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Back to School Tips

The onset of a new academic year brings a perfect opportunity to integrate sustainable habits into our school routines. As both students and teachers prepare to delve back into the realm of learning, adopting eco-friendly practices can lead to a more conscious and rewarding school experience. Whether you’re a novice at sustainability or a practiced green enthusiast, implementing a few essential eco-tips can greatly benefit our environment. Explore our curated list of green suggestions designed to guide both students and educators towards a more sustainable and impactful academic year ahead!


  • Provide digital resources and assignments when possible to reduce paper usage. If paper is necessary, always encourage double-sided printing. Set up a classroom recycling station for paper, plastic, and other recyclables.
  • If possible, set up a carpool system with colleagues. Advocate for safe bike storage or walking paths to encourage students to use eco-friendly transportation.
  • Lead by example with your lunch choices. Additionally, consider setting up a composting system in the school or starting a school garden where students can learn about local food production.
  • Use natural lighting when possible, and encourage students to do the same. Integrate lessons on energy conservation into the curriculum, and consider using smart power strips in classrooms to reduce phantom energy consumption.
  • Incorporate sustainability topics into lessons across various subjects. Organize field trips to local environmental centers or invite guest speakers from green organizations. Celebrate Earth Day and other environmental holidays to keep the conversation going throughout the year.


  • Before buying new school supplies, take inventory of what you already have. Reuse binders, backpacks, and other materials from the previous year if they’re still in good condition. Consider buying supplies made of recycled materials.
  • Walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation instead of driving alone. These methods reduce carbon emissions and often provide added health or social benefits.
  • Pack lunches in reusable containers, and consider a waste-free lunch approach. Opt for local and organic foods, and reduce the consumption of single-use plastics like straws and utensils.
  • Switch off lights, fans, and other electrical items when they’re not in use. If you’re using a computer, make sure to shut it down or put it to sleep mode when taking breaks.
  • Start or join eco-clubs or sustainability-focused groups at school. Engage in projects that promote green practices, like tree planting, recycling drives, or community clean-ups.